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About Marissa

I founded Focus Media as the culmination of all the knowledge, work, and relationships I have built throughout my media agency career. I am a passionate individual dedicated to bringing to life strategic, innovative and effective media campaigns in our rapidly changing media landscape.

With a serious passion for the film industry, I have consistently worked on the "media side" within the film industry - one of the main inspirations for Focus Media.

After graduating with a Business degree at Trent University, I started my career in the industry with a small (but mighty!) firm called DSA Baron back in my hometown of Calgary, eventually growing into a larger media role at Trigger Communications before making the move across the country to Toronto for an opportunity to work on Walt Disney Studios Canada.

Since living in Toronto, I have had the opportunity to work in leadership capacities at three of the largest media holding companies in Canada. As part of their leadership teams, I managed amazing teammates and delivered outstanding work across some of the best clients across many industries.

Supported by the work of my clients and teammates, I've been fortunate to win seven Media Innovation Awards throughout my career for Discount Car & Truck Rentals, The Calgary Zoo and Bank of Montreal.

At the heart of my career path, I have always worn many hats, thriving as an operator across all facets of the media business, setting Focus Media up for success from day one.

Industry Experience Includes:

  • Oil and Gas

  • Retail

  • Alcohol and Cannabis

  • Film and Media

  • Entertainment and Tourism

  • Auto and Auto Service

  • Consumer Packaged Goods

  • Finance

  • Government (all levels)






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